A Nigerian doctor has taken to his twitter handle to tweet that the rate at which nurses are leaving the country is alarming as compared to that of the doctors. Current statistics show that 1 in 4 doctors, and 10 in 20 nurses, trained in Africa are currently working in developed countries, and many are on the verge of leaving. In Nigeria alone, Nurses are leaving the country on a daily basis . The factor responsible for this is the deplorable working conditions of nurses, poor remuneration, monopoly of the healthcare industry by their doctor counterparts , bastardized public image of the profession, poor Nurse to patients ratio amongst others. If this trend is allowed to Continue without any policy to savage the situation, Nigerians will visit hospitals one day and won’t see any Nurse on ground to attend to them. See the tweetschats below.
What do you think about this?
I think u shud mind ur Bussiness