One Nigerian Doctor simply known as Dr Ajabb had on Thursday 2nd of may gone on twitter to accuse Nigerian Nurses of swapping babies after delivery and As such expectant mothers should always take a birthing patners along with them while going into the labor room.
According him, “In Lagos, my friend sister gave birth to a baby boy this morning, she saw her baby and made a mental note of her baby, while the midwife went away with the baby to wash the baby, she came back with a baby girl that looked like a two weeks old baby girl.But God we serve was awake the nurse mistakenly came back with wrapper that is not hers. And they found out the baby had this local tangerine(local eye liner) in her eyes which means the baby is not her baby. All her scans has shown it’s a boy they were expecting. Her husband was first to spot the eye tangerine and gave the nurse a sound slap to produce his baby. He called his elder brother who is a lawyer in Lagos to come with people. Within 20 minutes his brother and their friends has filled the hospital. The nurse said is the matron that asked her to replace the baby with the baby in the Chief matron office. The matron is denying telling the junior nurse anything.The matron was given a beating of her life now. They are involving police and must go to court. The doctor on duty is claiming innocent.Her baby has been returned to her.” The story took another dimension when Nigerian Nurses on twitter descended him, according to them, when you make use of quacks “Auxiliary Nurses” to render professional services, misconduct are inevitable. Not everyone that answers the title NURSE is truly a Nurse. Check some of the tweets below… @fellownurses1 Nice thread @Dr_ajabb kindly give details of the hospital where this happened for further investigation as we’re of the opinion that no professional nurse would have done this but quacks tagged “Auxiliary Nurses”. Healthcare consumers should be extra careful while submitting themselves for medical / Nursing attention as many hospitals make use of quacks “auxiliary nurses” in place of the properly trained Registered Nurses that knows the ethical and legal issues guiding their profession These quacks commit all Manners of evil and when they get caught, the society and the media tag them “Nurses” not all that answer “Nurse” are really Nurses, shine your eyes! @nursingcrusader Dear Young Physician, Thank u for this piece of information u brought to our attention, Well read & digested but kindly do us a favor by calling out the names of that Hospital & “said Nurses” or risk your handle been reported to twitter for targeting Nursing Profession, thank u. @Toriomas Whilst this is alarming, it is not new, and because it’s not, I’d have assumed that as a Medical Professional that you are, you would have taken this case a step further to investigate these claims, have proper facts and pursue it to a logical conclusion with the said hospital and allegedly culpable staff members made to face disciplinary actions from the governing councils and then you can publicly make an informed tweet about your findings to engage the populace on awareness for this menace as a preventive measure to curb it. @Lady_purity5 You’re a disgrace to your profession. You think you can come here and disgrace , insult and downgrade nurses but you know what ? You’re the biggest fool. Doctor my foot.. You’re one of those doctors that rape their patients. Stupidity in the higher order. @atf030 What a Nice thread… But try to pass yr msg without aiming a profession… No Professional nurse will do that but a Quack. And an highly cerebral person like you should know the difference between a professional and a quack. Stop misleading people. #WetinNurseDeyDoSef Before you use the word #Nurse, plz make sure you are very sure the person is a Registered Nurse and not a Quack. #Auxiliaries are #Quacks. @GraceAgboola After all our rants of ‘ say no to quackery’ . I’ll state it again for the ones that will read this thread and by default hate Nurses. Ensure you are being treated by a professional, licensed Nurse.And please always get the facts straight, not everyone in white is a Nurse. @geepat13 I believe this Dr should know that they don’t wash newly born, they clean due to hypothermia. Babies are given to the mother immediately after delivery to encourage mother and child bond. Stop dealing with quacks. You should know better by now. @kemmyjeb62 Ajab,doctors also do switching of babies with auxillary nurses dey train,both doctors n nurses r culprit stop hammering on nurses alone,u doctors have done so much damage to d Noble profession with quack nurses u doctors train to carry out ur evil schemes in ur private hospitals. @aghwaredominic It’s been over 12hrs since d challenge, bt u’ve seem to disappear into thin air. I hereby put it to u that u had an ulterior motive behind ur tweet wic could include bt nt limited 2 d ff; Cheap popularity Relegate d Nsg prof(wic could b interpreted as’ libel’) Misleading d public. You’ve done so well to bring this to this space with the aim, I suppose, ‘of creating a public awareness of the ill/menace happening in our society today.’ You’ve however, being chalenged to; ‘give details of the hospital where ugly incident occurred 4 futher investigation.’ @amhijay Whatever the Matron or so called nurse did was wrong and they should bear the consequence for their actions. That said, it’s not right for you to shame the whole nursing profession because of some bad eggs. Let justice take its course. Now, take note of dis dude, it’s nt enough to b a PubHlth Doc, u’ve more importantly. gat to learn hw to b civil & responsible. U dnt wake up & tweet any rubbish u feel lyk #Nurses are professionals who render quality efficient and effective care thru d use of d nsg process. U claim to hv tweeted something 2 alert the public of an ill(which is good)… But u chose to major on one set of professionals(Nurses – whose care is unrivaled) whereas, even ur professionals(Physicians) could also b culprit. U can’t be a gud #healthinfuncer wit dway ur going. @Fellownurses1 @Dr_ajabb We are still expecting details of the said hospital to aid our investigations into the matter, we’ll be waiting for the next 12 hours to get a response from you. If this isn’t done, please kindly put this post down or we get you sued, you can’t continue to drag the name of the angelic nursing profession in the mud on a daily basis just to seek public attention, enough of this. thank you. However , the said doctor has come up to apologize to Nigerian Nurses that he made a great mistake of ridiculing the Nursing profession, his tweets below: Dear @FellowNurses1, @nursesonair, @thealphanursee and other licensed Nurses, I’m here making an earnest apology for generalizing Nurses of swapping Babies. That was a very big mistake. I’m very sorry, my intention is not to trash the noble profession I know how important You people are. Health industry is a web of social relationship which includes interaction among many health workers or practitioners. The social components of the health care complex representing the various organized arrangements designed to bring Heath care to individual families and community. Health care is a collaborative activity which need for cooperative and team work among the various groups within the heath care system. It’s this cooperative that will allow for effective and efficient which will lead to achievement of goals. The roles of of every member is well defined including different cadres of worker operating at different goals and expectations which are brought together to achieve the main objective of the hospital professional. No one should regards other health officer as servant rather than associate or colleague. However, we should take note that having a clear and understanding of code of conduct doesn’t not mean some health personnel can’t do this, be it doctor, nurse or any medical officer. This things are happening and telling the populace to be very Careful is the main reason of this tweet. Private or Government it happen anywhere….My intention was not to damage or paint the noble profession. Noooooooo! You guy’s are HERO! I’m sorry once again”. It is commendable that the 21st century nurses are now speaking up and lending their voices against publications capable of tanishing the image of the profession.
Too late to apologize….always get your finding right before tweeting rubbish about the noble profession and is better for the so called doctor to face the law for ridiculous write up against the profession.