Article 79 subsection 1 of the Labour Act 2003 states that Every worker has the right to form or join a trade union of his or her choice for the promotion and protection of the workers economic and social interests.
The Ghana National Association of Nurses and Midwives has been formed to salvage Nurses and Midwives from the mismanagement and tyrant leadership of the GRNMA, and to offer Ghanaian Nurses and Midwives a better alternative when it comes to the choice of labour union.
The Ghana Registered Nurses and Midwives Association (GRNMA) has been the sole Association for Nurses and Midwives since 1960. As the saying goes, power corrupts but absolute power corrupts absolutely.
This is exactly what the GRNMA has become due to the monopoly they have enjoyed over all these years. They have become so complacent and no ones complains nor suggestions matter to the executives of the Association. The Association, during its 16th Biennial Delegates Conference did not see the need to discuss the welfare of Nurses and Midwives in Ghana but rather to increase all the levies without recourse to the already impoverished Nurses and Midwives. The building levy which used to be GHS10.00 was increased to GHS20.00 a 100% increment, the Nurses Union Fund which was GHS20.00 was increased to GHS50.00 and the Association dues which was 1.5% of the basic salary of all Nurses and Midwives was increased to 2%.
On face value, one might think it is a small percentage increase, but when you calculate the percentage against the salaries of Nurses and Midwives then you will appreciate the quantum of money we are talking about.
Amalgamation of these incessant increments leaves many wondering how much government increased salaries for the year 2018 that demands such a corresponding increment in dues and levies. The GRNMA has certainly outlived its usefulness, and in a clear angular view, there is an indication that the mode of decision making and policies of the GRNMA are influenced by the weight of the parochial interest of the executives rather than the welfare of the members.
In this regard, leaders take decisions to satisfy their interest without recourse to the Nurses and Midwives whos hard earned money the association is being run on. As for the accountability of the Executives, the least said about it the better.
The financial statement of the GRNMA that found its way into the public domain speaks it all. It is really disheartening to see how funds are being used and the luxury the executives of GRNMA have found themselves in as a result of our contributions. Conspicuously, our hard earned monies are being used to construct individuals and their families.
Amidst this massive deductions, Nurses and Midwives have not seen nor enjoyed any benefit and as if that is not enough, we are slapped with another killer increment. If the GRNMA had the Nurses and Midwives at heart, they would have demonstrated clear leadership by considering the plight of their members concerning the recent increment by giving it a second thought. Even after the Coalition of Concerned Nurses and Midwives (CCNM) had petitioned the GRNMA to take a second look at the increments questioning its legality, they have refused to heed to the plea and are on course to implement the increments.
The sweat of Nurses and Midwives is gradually collected into a bottle and left in the custody of the GRNMA. It is painful to note that the bottle has been toppled and its content galloping down the stream of misappropriation. The need to form a new Association has therefore become a necessity and a step in the right direction.
The GHANA NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF NURSES AND MIDWIVES (GNANM), is a young association springing up to serve the best interest of the already impoverished Nurse and Midwife in Ghana.
Our main objective is to promote the welfare of Nurses and Midwives in the country and thus present a better labour union option for the Ghanaian Nurse and Midwife.
This Association will also break the monopoly the GRNMA has enjoyed since 1960. Never again will a Nurse nor Midwife in this country join an association without signing a form and their benefits well spelt out to them, never again will a nurse and a midwife contribute building levies that will be used to build hostels that will employ other professionals whiles their colleagues remain unemployed on the streets.
Ghana National Association of Nurses and Midwives (GNANM), will be the voice of the voiceless Nurse and Midwife suffering in the small Health Centre in a remote part of the country. The essential role of the Nurse and Midwife in the health team no matter their category will be recognized by GNANM.
To the Nurses and Midwives, we admonish them to stay composed and remain confident that this association will serve their interests and needs as one family. Lets join GNANM so we can present the possibility of choice making to the Ghanaian Nurse and Midwife.
GNANM will bring to the forefront; justice, accountability, impartiality, transparency, fairness and address our daily challenges Let us not look back on the few years contributions we have made to the GRNMA and conclude that we need to continue staying on even in the face of all these injustices. Lets look at how many more years we have to continue in the hands of the tyrant leadership of GRNMA, the time for change is now. Let us fight for freedom with a common mind and spirit, your welfare as a nurse or midwife matters and that is the core mandate of the GHANA NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF NURSES AND MIDWIVES (GNANM).
Let us all rally round the association to propel it to an enviable position.
According to Martin Luther King Junior, injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We therefore want to create the indulgence of the media to be vigilant and proactive on championing the course of bringing to the public domain any activity involving threats and other maltreatment of our members by the GRNMA and its operatives.
This association has come to gather and make us all custodians of our sweat and the benefit of us all. We appeal to nurses and midwives in Ghana to register as members while we work to successfully migrate them from the defunct GRNMA to GNANM.
Thank you Maxwell Oduro Yeboah
National President
(0244 121 894/0206 660 838)
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