It was a moment of surprises yesterday at Ladoke Akintola University of Technology Ogbomosho, open and distance learning centre as the centre held it first entrepreneur practical class for its pioneer set of Nursing students. The 500L students who are already registered nurses currently undergoing the 4 years RN-BNsc program in the institution were seen displaying diverse forms of entrepreneurial skills coupled with the clinical, leadership, case management, health promotion, analytical and critical thinking skills the program has equipped them with. MUST READ: See Profitable skills to learn and make money from home The over 400 students were divided into groups with each group having a unique entrepreneurship project to embark upon. Some of the projects include tie and dye , natural black soap, air freshener, bridal handfan, beads of different types, Shea butter, body creams and many others.
Apart from just bringing the finished projects to the class for display, the students were made to go through the process of production in the presence of other course mates to teach as many as would love to go into production of such products. Present at the event, the Dean of nursing faculty of the institution, Prof. Ajibade commended the students for their entrepreneurial skills.
In his words, apart from giving injections, nurses can also be great entrepreneurs in other to have access to secondary sources of income. Also in attendance were Mrs Ayanyinka, ADNS, LAUTECH Teaching Hospital, Mrs Adegoke Juliet , the course coordinator amongst others.
Entrepreneurship is becoming increasingly important within nursing care as societal changes give space for new entrepreneurs in the field of Nursing.
This is great, welcome my wonderful colleagues.
Scientific and skillful Nurses
What a Glorious and enterprising course to study. Nurses are allround talented .God Bless Nurses for Great. Talent manifested and displayed in lautech.Courtesy of Entrepreneutship as a course presently studied in Lautech.
Dis is nice. Great nurses.