Early Ambulation : A key to Early Recuperation after Surgery
Early walking after surgery is one of the most crucial things you can do to prevent problems. The importance of this very fact can never be over emphasized.
As a young perioperative nurse, i have seen and nursed post operative patients and have seen in so many and at different instances how magical early ambulation could be in geting a patient up to his/her feet again after surgery.
Another question to be asked by all ( as every one is a potential patient) is what kind of exercise am i surpose to get involved with after surgery as some activity or exercise can be contraindicated after surgery???
Your doctor, Nurse and especially ur physiotherapist will order the activity that is best for you.
But here are some activities that can be of great help.
• Deep breathing exercise: This will help in chest expansion, increase ventilation and increase oxygen supply to the body tissues .
• Passive limb movement after Surgery While in bed: leg pumps will be applied to help promote blood flow in your legs. When it is time to get out of bed, your nursing staff (nurse or nursing assistant) will help you:
• Dangle at the bedside.
• Move from the bed to a chair.
• Walk in the hallways: You may feel dizzy or faint with the first attempt to get up, so you must go slowly at first, this means sitting up slowly and sitting at the edge of the bed for few minutes. Use of assistive walking device can also be helpful.
Notify the nursing staff immediately know if you feel faint, dizzy, nauseated, or short of breath while walking.
Why should you walk?
· Walking promotes the flow of oxygen throughout your body and maintains normal breathing function.
· It also strengthens your muscle tone.
· Gastrointestinal and urinary tract function are improved by walking. These body systems are slowed down after surgery.
· Walking also improves blood flow and speeds wound healing.
· Failure to walk may cause increased constipation and gas pain, weakness, less power to fight infections, and puts you at a higher risk for blood clots and lung problems such as pneumonia.
· Prolonged bed rest may also increase the risk for skin breakdown and pressure sores.
These are just few out of so many ambulatory activities after surgery…..
More of them will be discussed next time
Adebayo Seun Michael
RN, RPON, BNSc(in view)
I am melanin
Thanks for sharing these tips.