Jesus is the reason For the season
Now let’s go a Lil bit
Down Memory Lane
To the creation story
We were created in His image
Formed just like Him
But something happened
That Changed our course
The course of Humanity
Adam fell, he fell
Bringing curse upon us all
And death with it
Making us all doomed
And hopeless
And then…….
A greater than Adam came
The ONE in whose IMAGE we were formed
He came, He changed the course…
Our course
Washing away the curse
But He realized that a blood sacrifice was needed
Needed to redeem us
Still, He went, shed His blood for us
He didn’t stop there
He went on to the grave
Conquering death and
Throwing the devil to where he belonged
He resurrected, He rose up
And still didn’t stop there
He went to Heaven to present Himself
To show what we should really look like
To the Father…. Our Father
And then He came back to the earth He created
To reassure us of a home above
Only HE could have done that
He is I AM
so while we celebrate and jubilate
Let’s remember the real reason
The real reason
The only reason
From all of us at Fellow nurses Africa, we are saying a Merry Christmas !
Written by Asaolu Titilope
Edited by Engw. Alakowe
For Fellow Nurses Africa