The Nursing and Midwifery Council of Nigeria has approved a new license for the Nurses and Midwives across the country, the new Nursing license has unique features different from the previously used nursing licenses which will make it difficult to forge, however, the green color remains unchanged. According to the NMCN Registrar, Alh Faruk Umar Abubakar, the license also has improved security features to prevent cloning.
The circular reads thus,
This is to inform you that the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Nigeria has changed the graphic view of the Nurses/Midwives license issued by the organization as part of the measures to promote standards in the practice of
the profession.
The new look of the Nurses/Midwives license is as shown below.
The new Nurses/Midwives license card has improved security features to prevent forgery and cloning.
Please note that the issuance of the new license card takes effect from 1st of June, 2018, however, nurses and midwives with the old license that have not expired are to note that such licenses are still valid up to the expiry date stated on them, thank you.
This is a right step in the right direction and I think the registrar deserves kudos or what do you think?
OLUWATOSIN K. Odunayo, FNA News.
That's cool. Thumbs up to Registrar