The health of a country is as important as it economy base, the aphorism “health is wealth” holds truth here, so also are the human structures that hold the functionality of this base; nurses, doctors, pharmacists, medical lab. scientists, community health workers amongst others. Of all these human resources that constitute the bulk of the health industry, nurses occupy the largest niche, the position of a nurse in the health care industry is such that is strategically significant by virtue of the voting bloc we constitutes. Based on past events and occurrences vis-a-vis the demand for improved pay cheque, better welfare package, good working conditions and availability of more man power among others, it is critical at this junction of our nationhood that we as nurses show our strength in electing a candidate that will make concerted efforts to improve the health sector that is in near comatose by drastically reducing medical tourism which has resulted in the attendant loss of billions of dollars annually, ensure adequate and sustainable funding of the sector, employment of more hands and professionals in the industry, curb the systemic corruption and excessive high-handedness of the top managers in the system, ensure that the age long acrimony in the sector is harmoniously settled with no bad blood. It is our fundamental rights as nurses to vote and be voted for and the exercise of our civic responsibilities to vote for the right candidates in the forthcoming elections. As nurses, we can’t afford to be apolitical or be seen to be aloof at this point, we must vote to make a political statement that we are not one to be relegated to the back seat. Our decisions in the elections will go a long way to determine what will be of this country and the health industry as a whole in the next 4 years. Let’s go out en masse and vote, vote wisely!! Tell a friend to tell a friend!!!