OUR LIVES ARE AT STAKE, MANAGEMENT ISN’T TAKEN ANY ACTION SAYS NURSING STUDENTS. The Nursing students at the schools of nursing and school of perioperative nursing, UCH ibadan have called on relevant authorities to safe them from constant rape and robbery in the institution. According to them, Rape and robbery have been a constant event in University College Hospital, Ibadan and has been seen as a norm.
Louise Bell Hall, popularly known as School of nursing hostel has always been a target for armed thieves and serious actions has not been instituted to put an end to this, all we see is investigations, nothing more. Students could not cry out for help as they were been threatened with suspension and extra year in school. Today, Wednesday 23rd, October 2019,another awful event occurred. The security men on duty were alarmed, but their reply was because the students were sleeping, thus, they were robbed. The other security guy mentioned he was awake because he was preparing for exams. Phones, laptops were carted away. The Chief security officer was informed and three innocent students were taken as suspects: one was praying on the field closer to the hostels being the fellowship president and the other because he identified him as the fellowship president, another because he was on call with someone. Our lives are at stake, so are our properties! What if someone has been stabbed to death? What would have been the fate of parents? If any student was raped, what would have been her fate? Previous occurences 1. Last year, a lady was raped and a security man was killed 2. Students were choked with fumes of burning pepper in an attempt to steal which proved abortive. They said it was hallucinations. 3. Attempts to rape female nursing students by the perpetrators which she cried for help and she was told she was hallucinating. 4. Nursing hostel is not a conducive place for students living in them as some abandoned rooms are inhabited by reptiles and rats. 5. There is no security, even though security men were posted to the gates but they’ve always been suspects to the students Though, the three students have been released from custody, Victims of today’s occurrence have given their statements with the CSO and the investigation is still on going. Details later.
Something needs to be done to this issue of robbery. We had an incedent then in year 2010, while still a student Nurse at the University college hospital uch school of Nursing.
This is becoming a yearly thing. I hope and pray this investigation will bring possible response.
This is incredible and horrifying! The management should do something tangible about it. It is a terrible thing to hear. The security men should also be investigated since they are somehow seen as suspects by the stodent.Rape comes with very serious emotional, psychological, physiological and sociological consequencies. Please protect these student nurses!
I don’t see why these students should be threatened with suspension so they do not talk. Remember we shall all give account of our actions! It is not trees that are being affected but our children, our wives, our sisters,may be too mothers and other relation!!