O We didn’t Spend 6 Years of Study To “Run Errands,” Nurses Blast bully NYSC Official The news of a corper Nurse who was bullied by one of the NYSC officials at Iseyin camp ground in Oyo state surfaced on the media at the early hours of today with many nurses expressing concern about the incident. According to a witness when interrogated by our correspondent, “Franca ( Not real name ) got into the NYSC clinic this evening and later received a call on her hostel bed already changed into nightwear that She was supposed to be on night duty. Being a true Nigerian and a called Nurse, she got up, changed and headed straight to the clinic. Immediately She stepped into the clinic, She noticed a bowl stand filled with dirty water next to the Nurses’ table. The afternoon Nurses were handing over when asked if they were supposed to hand over, leaving the dirty water , they answered that it seems they have cleaners or health attendants that will do that, so she continued with her business. Next thing, a presumed physiotherapist came after applying iced packs to an injured leg and washed everything she was holding inside that same water splashing it everywhere, she was so dirty and medically uncultured that my colleague had to ask the state Nurse that was asked to orientate us, if that lady was a Nurse too before We were told she wasn’t. After a while, a woman just appeared in the Nurses Station while we were attending to a Corp member and pointed at my colleague that she should go and pour the water away!” Ma, I thought there are attendants to do that , she said. next thing she replied “I said go and pour that water away! “Is it not the duty of the Nurses?” “I gave you an order you are talking back!”. My colleague was already frightened because she could smell power and trouble. The state Nurse being a messiah then intervened saying “Don’t say that ma, it is not the duty of a Nurse!!” That was how everything started, she angrily went in and came back outside and said she was arrogant. The more she tried to explain it was unethical for her to have followed such an order and that she was licensed to practice and follow code of ethics, the more aggravated she and some other colleagues of hers became. She started shouting at us calling all the camp officers. She collected her code number and that of her partner on night duty In short, they said they will decamp them tomorrow morning, that it was supposed to be service and humility. The woman in charge of the clinic, who claims to also be the mother of a doctor now came to correct us saying, We have to be humble and drop our ranks at the gate anybody can do anything here because this is different from the outside hospital. Biko, why didn’t they ask the physiotherapist or doctor to pour the water away? How can we spend 5 years at the university plus another one year internship totaling 6 years just to run errands and discard wastes ? This is so absurd and can never be allowed to stand , she said.” However, social media users have described the official as power drunk and someone who lacks exposure as to the roles and Responsibilities of nurses. Nurses are neither slaves nor maids that any member of the health care team can push around. They are major stakeholders and play important roles in the preventive, promotive and restorative health of the nation. Below are some of the notable tweets …
The society is well disoriented of what nursing profession entails unfortunately those who represent nurses at the top level lack the professionalism. I am happy the new generational nurses are becoming well sensitized, educated and professional enough to challenge the status quo. The new nurses are in a revolutionary mission to reposition the profession and regain our dignity.
If that is what actually happened, then the nurse is right. Having spent years in the field of her chosen profession, she is supposed to assert for her right, anywhere and at any time. We have job descriptions, do not force another to step into the role that is not hers because of fear of intimidation.
Please for God sake, nurses should stand their ground at any point in time. We are not errand nurses but qualified nurses with our certificate and degrees. We stand tall and walk tall anywhere at any point in time. Be firm in your decisions and never you allow anyone to toy with your IQ and integrity.
I must salute the courage of these Nurses for standing for the truth which most times isn’t the case cos our leaders have mentored us to obeying wrong commands in the name of obedience and ethics which the coined from their personal dictionaries.
Am seriously going to use my analytical skills with hypothetical examples here.Its a harsh reality but this is what nursing encompasses, running errands,Belive me,Let give you a glaring hypothetical example,A newly employed Dr while clerking writes,Ensure, Give,Monitor, Do not, Commence,Discontinue,Remove,Stop, Use etc Fellow nurses these are orders you must carry out and they are errands you must run to save lives.No matter how tall your position is in nursing. You will carry out directives all through your career in nursing.its either you live with or leave nursing,its your choice . Don’t start thinking a masters or doctorate will absorb you from these, the same dichotomy has being incorporated into academics.