Timilehin Eburu A charismatic, energetic and vibrant young registered Male nurse. An instrumental figure with exceptional love for nursing and politics and social influencing. He is an activist who loves to fight for human rights and also love to be at the forefront of any struggle that would liberate and empower people. This unique attribute has earned him the opportunity to serve in many institutions. Amongst some includes: Member, Nursing Research Project for Justina Ejelonu, Academic Coordinator of Fellowship of Christian Nurses, SONFETHI Chapter and President of the Student Union Government (SONFETHI, 2016/2017), whose leadership qualities has given many students the strength to believe in themselves, the government and Nursing in general and also saw SONFETHI Student witness their 1st Nurses week and NISONM Games. During his third year in School of Nursing, he carried out a research on knowledge and Attitude of Nurses towards over the counter drugs; Usage, Abuse and Addiction. His findings revealed that most nurses have good knowledge, and attitude towards OTC. As a resolute man, he is a co – admin of that established an organization called Nurses And Politics Nigeria (NAP), an organization aimed at fixing the cracks and bridging the gaps between Nurses and Politics in Nigeria and Nursingblog. The NAP organization currently have an online platform consisting of about 1000 Nurses from every nook and cranny of Nigeria, where nurses are groomed, nurtured, encourage and supported to become agents of change in Nursing through Politics. He is also the co-convener and Publicity Manager of a campaign tagged “WETIN NURSE DEY DO SEF? and “WHAT DOES NURSES REALLY DO”in 2019 organized by Nursing blog, a campaign aimed at sensitizing the public on the roles of nurses in the health care system by informing the uninformed and correcting the misinformed and other Twitter campaigns such as “NursesAreNotSexualObjects”, “PayUNIMEDTHCNurses” etc He is one of the most inspiring and influential Nurses on Twitter and LinkedIn. He is a lover of God, Cartoon, Comes, Talents and Politics, Manchester United Fan, Certified BLS, ACLS and PALS. Single and a proud alumnus of SONFETHI.