Institute of Nursing Research, Nigeria hereby invites you to submit an abstract to present at its first Annual Scientific Research Conference scheduled to hold November 17-19, 2021. Kindly find below guidelines, subthemes, and other useful information as regards submission of abstracts:
- Patient Safety and Nursing Practice
- Advanced Practice Nursing
- Covid-19 Pandemic, the Nurse, and the Patient
- Cancer and Palliative Care
- Maternal health and infant care
- Aging and Long-term Care
- Trauma and Critical Care
- Disasters and emergency preparedness
- Infectious Diseases, epidemiology, and public health
- Mental Health
- Non communicable Diseases (NCDs)
- Clinical mentorship, apprenticeship, and preceptorship
- 21st Century Nursing Education
- Nursing Career Pathways
- Nigerian Nursing Education System and global trends
- Interprofessional Education
- Continuing Professional Development and Lifelong Learning
- Mentorship
- Technological trends in Nursing
- Technological trends in Nursing education
- Technological trends in nursing care delivery
- Technological trends in the nursing process
- Big Data and Information
- Electronic Health Records
- Telehealth
- Data & information
- Cutting-edge Research and Evidence-based Practice
- Visionary Leadership, Management and Politics in Nursing
Abstract submission which should close 00:00 GMT+1 July 2021 has been extended to 23:59 31st August 2021.
WARNING: We will not accept abstracts for proposals, or any incomplete projects. The abstract must be from original research or systematic review and/or meta-analysis. Please do not submit an abstract if you will not be able to attend and present at the conference. Abstracts are blind peer-reviewed. Be sure to follow the guidelines carefully. Abstracts with missing information or that do not conform to the guidelines will not be reviewed. Kindly follow the abstract submission guidelines or download the abstract submission template below.
- All abstracts must be submitted on INR website; and must be received latest 23:59 31st August 2021
- Abstracts must be submitted in English.
- Kindly ensure your submission is free from all kinds of grammatical, punctuation and spelling errors, as we do not provide any special English editing service.
- Word limit: Title – maximum of 20 words (Kindly use APA style) Abstract – maximum of 350 words
- The abstract must follow the following format: Brief Background, Objectives, Methods, Results,
- Implications to nursing and Keywords (3-5 keywords).
- Each participant can only submit one abstract to the conference.
- The abstract can be submitted in ONLY ONE of the following categories:
- Oral Presentation: A 10-minute oral presentation grouped by theme.
- Poster: A visual presentation of research with an academic or professional focus by an individual or representatives of research teams for virtual display.
- Further guidelines for accepted abstracts will be communicated later for selected abstracts.
- Only six maximum co-authors will be considered.
- The participant submitting the abstract MUST provide one presenting author. The presenting author of an accepted abstract (oral and poster) must register before the conference registration deadline in order to have his/her abstract included in the Final Program.
- The same abstract cannot be submitted for consideration in different abstract categories.
- Previously published or presented abstracts will not be considered.
- All authors named in this abstract must have agreed to its submission for presentation at the upcoming 2021, and that the authors are responsible for the data and agree with the stated results.
- The INRN Programs and Abstract Committee reserves the right to accept or refuse an abstract, to designate abstracts oral or poster presentation and to choose a suitable session for the abstract.
The authors’ preference of the type of the presentation and theme will be taken into consideration. Note that the Book of Abstracts for the Conference will be published and made available online. For further enquiries, you can contact the planning committee on +2347033874731 or +2348138655245, or via mail: