Tunde Jeremiah is one of the many inspiring Nigerian Nurses who currently works with the NHS. In this interview with Fellow Nurses Africa, he recounts his experiences with the RCN which is the largest nursing union in Europe and what lessons the Nigerian Nursing Union , NANNM could learn from it, enjoy… Interviewer: Can you tell us about yourself? Interviewee: Thank you very much. My name as you might have known before is Tunde Jeremiah Aduragbemi as some people might have known me. I started my life off in Nigeria, and I did my first degree in nursing at Ladoke Akintola University of Technology. I graduated in 2011/2012 and thereafter served with National Youth Service Corp in Ondo state in 2012/2013. I went further ahead if you can say that, got employed with Ondo state government and I was with the Ondo State government for close to eight years before I left in January 2020 to continue my career in the UK, and I’ve been in the UK with the Mid and South Essex NHS Trust from 2020 till date and that’s basically the brief part of it and the other things on the side: activism, unionism and every other thing are just by the side, along the line. Thank you. Interviewer: You were at the last Congress in Scotland. We’re all aware, the whole world is aware that you were there (laughs). Interviewee: (laughs) the world is not aware. Maybe 100,000 to 200,000 people maybe. Interviewer: Well, that also qualifies as the whole world (laughs). So, what will you say is your take home from the event? Interviewee: Well, I think we’ve discussed this a little bit in brevity. Number one thing is the opportunity to be heard. Secondly will be that it was an avenue to actually integrate and let me say bring to life my once lived internal interest in RCN and the opportunity to be on that big stage if I may say, and I was actually opportuned to meet different set of people, people I’ve been following over the years, people I’ve tried to learn about, people I’ve been looking into their research activities, people I’ve been looking into their professional activities and professional progressions over time, and I was actually also privileged to, you know, it was like a networking, yeah, I think that’s a perfect word. Networking for professionals, Professionals of different specialty working in different areas, different regions of the country and the union at large coming together, sitting down deliberating. The RCN Congress wasn’t just a place where we go to elect new officials. No, it was a place where more than 1000 people came to, to say this is what we want our union or our college to do next, and sincerely. It was so refreshing to hear, and to see debates, after debates, even emergency debates being carried unanimously and some not unanimously but people having their say about issues that are actually paramount to them, issues that are very important issues that that are dear to them, they are able to bring it to the forum, they’re able to express their mind, they’re able to get the executives, those leading the organization to say this is what we want next, this is the way we wanted to move and to also see that they are receptive to those ideas and I can tell you, categorically that all of the debates that were carried on the floor, they were submitted by members. I mean individual member, either sponsored by a forum or sponsored by a brand, but, it is the ideas of the members that came to form the agenda, not just people that felt this is what we will discuss and this is not what we want to discuss. I believe that is the most important thing for me in the congress. Interviewer: The plan for pay rise for nurses has been on for some time and somehow, people have been skeptical, like it doesn’t look like it’s going to be possible in the nearest future. So, for you, do you think this is achievable? Do you think this is possible in the nearest future? Like a pay rise?
Interviewee: Well, the issue of pay rise for nurses as we rightly target the fair pay for nurses in the UK, I think it is long overdue.1 I believe, though I wasn’t in the UK then but from the early year 2000, there has been a pay freeze for nurses in the UK for I think 10 years before they started having their pay increases, maybe once three years or once two years as the government deem fit. But, I think at this point, considering the inflation within the last 6 months, Then the energy crisis and the backlog of pay, it is not… In the real fact of things, the pay remained the same, but considering the standard/cost of living, it has a pay regression for the working class, and it is just right now working class people, people that have given their all, most likely all of their life to study, to take care of the populace and to entrench to keep alive the NHS, if I can say that, to keep alive the NHS because I can say nurses are the backbones of the NHS. If the nurses falter the NHS is going to crash whether we like it or not. So, it is just the right thing to do for the government to give the necessary, the inflation marching pay rise to nurses to keep them afloat, we are not asking for too much. We’re saying; “to keep us, give us what will keep us alive”. If we’re not able to heat our homes well, nurses are going to end up maybe falling sick or dying. If they’re not going to eat enough, then they will not be able to do their job well, if they’re not able to fuel their cars and get to the point of their duty, they won’t be able to do their jobs anyway. So, it is not a matter of in the nearest future, No, it is how fast we want it and I will say if we want to take government to action. 500,000 strong members, don’t need to march down to Westminster. We just need to make a statement. We can see RMT making statements now, we just need to make a statement and a strong statement at that, that government needs to do something right for us. So, I believe everyone that will watch this podcast or YouTube video, they should know that when the common college, the RCN is calling on them to act, whether to complete a survey, whether to say their mind regarding if they are actually ready to take action to get the necessary pay rise from the government, they should take the proper action, they should know what it takes them to give their whole to this profession, and to continue doing it because we’ve seen in the past few years that in the year 2020, I think close to 20,000 people left the register, in 2021 more than that left the register. So if that should continue, in the next five to six is 20,000 people leaving the register almost every year, that is going to portend a very grave, a very big consequence for the health of the population of the UK and for the NHS generally. So, people will continue to grow old, will continue to give birth to new members of the population, but if nurses are not there, to take care of the population, to make sure that we nurse the country to health, we know what is going to happen, I don’t need to say it. So that is what the government needs to tackle. Thank you. Interviewer: And at this point I would think that we might need to take you down to No 10, Downing Street to face Boris Johnson (laughs). Interviewee: Well, BJ is not ready to have me yet (laughs). Interviewer: Do you think it’s possible in the nearest possible time because we can’t deny the fact that some people are skeptical that this pay rise may not be totally possible, and people have doubts, viewing it from a prism and angle of impossibility. So, for you personally, looking at all the facts and figures, do you think this is achievable in the nearest future? Interviewee: It is very achievable. I would sum it up in the fact that when a people want a thing, they act. I know people can be skeptical, people may think it is unachievable, people may think it is not the right time, But if they, we actually want it as a people, we need to act and whenever we act, it is not going to be next year or year after, or in five years time, if we act in the next few weeks, It is going to be achieved. I can see that categorically, I wouldn’t say 20%, I wouldn’t say 15%, but whenever we act it is going to be achieved and it’s going to be something right and something that is going to match the inflation, that is currently ongoing, and it’s going to be something that is able to keep people afloat in this cost of living crisis. Interviewer: What has been the most felt impact of RCN in your primary place of work? Not necessarily in your work area, in MSE as a whole, what has been your most felt impact of RCN? Interviewee: Well, I would like to clarify at first that I’m not a representative of RCN at the moment, because I’ve not completed any of my learning courses or anything. I’ve not actually even enrolled. I’ve had the opportunity to say, “Can I be a RCN representative if there is a learning rep or health and safety rep?” but I’ve not taken up that opportunity as of today, so but in the next few months. That’s something to pursue. But they felt the impact of RCN as I’ve said, RCN is visible to everyone that decides to look, and we don’t need to look anywhere to find RCN because RCN is what each and every one of us, the member is. So, we have the information of what RCN is doing, we have the opportunity to get in contact with our branch executives and secretariat. We have the opportunity to request for any information that we need or any assistance that we need and I think that’s the most important thing. You can pick up a phone, call the RCN headquarters and ask for information concerning what you’re passing through, what you’ve noticed and want changed or looked into and it will be done. So I think the presence of RCN is more than just a workplace, it’s about the members, and I can say each and every member of RCN can say this is what the Union is doing at every point in time, and they can relate to these programs and policies, and they can follow through with it. And they can also have their voices heard through all those policies and I think that is the most important thing. It is not until when somebody has an issue that they need to call on RCN to come and give them a legal backing. No, it is you getting into your emails every other week, reading what is on the newsletter, making sure that when the RCN is calling you to mail your congressman or Member of Parliament, you’re doing that, to make sure that when there is any call for you to respond to a survey, you are responding to that, making sure that you go on your RCN portal as much as you can do maybe once weekly, and see information there for yourself. Join a forum, if you’re in a specialist unit, diabetes unit, you are in a surgical team, join a surgical forum, urology form urology forum. Join a forum and know what they are doing and also join to participate and be actively involved in what they are doing. Interviewer: What’s your advice for nurses still sitting on the fence regarding joining a nursing association, you can narrow it down to RCN, but what is your advice for them? Interviewee: Oh well. My advice for every nurse coming into the UK is that first and foremost, make sure you research about whichever workplace you’re going to, know more about the specialty area that you will be working in and try as much as possible to give yourself educated. I mean learning, I’m not saying a Masters or a Ph.D. but I mean learning, CPD courses. Learn to know a little bit more about your specialty area, don’t just go in the morning come back in the evening get tired, try to ask if there is any course that is offered in your primary place of work to see if you can be enrolled into one and concerning union that you need to be part of, I wouldn’t say you definitely have to be part of RCN. It is the largest nursing body in the whole wide world, but notwithstanding; you can choose to join any other union that is available in the UK. I believe we can see that in a trade union website portal, you can ask around but, definitely RCN stands tall among its peers so if you are happy to join RCN, that’s good. You’re welcome and you are definitely at home. And I would like to say as well for nurses coming around, we should have something at the back of our minds, you can achieve anything, if you put your mind to it, be confident in yourself. Trust in whatever you believe in, and you will achieve it. Be positive. Interviewer: Thank you. Although, I think you have stylishly answered my last question while answering the previous question I asked and that is, “What’s your word of advice to Nigerian nurses planning to come to the UK?” Interviewee: (Signs) Nigerian nurses planning to come to the UK. Now, the first thing is, the UK is just another country, like Nigeria. Consider the challenges we are facing in Nigeria, I’m not saying you will face the same challenges but there are challenges peculiar to different areas. Be strong. Prepare yourself and I want to also encourage them because you are coming into a country that is more culturally diverse than Nigeria, you meet everyone from across the globe. Prepare yourself to work in a culturally sensitive and diverse society. If you’ve got any biases sentiment from Nigeria, religiously or regionally related biases, please drop them and like I said, be excellent in what you do. Give yourself to learning. Know more about what you already know and be ready to learn at every point in time. I think that will give you the best opportunity to showcase who you are and communication wise, I know we are good at communicating as Nigerians, but I would just encourage everyone to make sure that they try to tune their communication to the environment they are in. It is different. The way we communicate is different from the way we communicate over here. So, just try and tune it to your environment, learn, read the room like they normally say, read the room before you talk, Read the room before you have your say, whenever you want to make a contribution please respect each and every one you can find around you before you say something and I think there’s really nothing different, like I do tell people, nursing practice, anywhere in the world is the same thing. We relate to human beings, we give our care. So, people is at the center of it, respect people and you will find it good Interviewer: Mr. Tunde Jeremiah Aduragbemi for sparing time out of your busy schedule to have this piece with us, and I really appreciate you and from all of us from Fellow Nurses Africa, we say a very big thank you to you and we hope that next time when we will reach out to you, we will get to have you on the platform once again. Keep the flag flying always. Thank you so much and have a very nice afternoon. Interviewee: Thank you Ayodeji Ogunleye, see you some other time